Doe Illu

Live Fast... Die Young

Name: Doe “Sas” Illu
Clan: Keeper of the Moon
Age: 7 (at the time of conscription), 17 (upon being titled “Sas”), 21 (At the time of defection), 32 (Currently)
Height: 5”3
Name Day: Unknown
Birth Place: Dalmasca (Doman Raised)
Orientation: Straight
Marital Status: Single, "Married" (Currently & Unoffically)
Guardian: Menphina
Echo: She has it, but isn't aware of the true nature of it


Doe is a Keeper of the Moon that stands at 5'3 and has vibrantly red hair and green eyes to match. Typically, her hair is kept in a loose braid that is tied at the base, her hair stopping around her mid-calf. In her youth and during her time in the empire, her long hair was kept in a more traditional ponytail.Like many keepers, she has large, round pupils that are suited for rather dark nights. Her skin is pale but covered in large spots, the most noticeable being the ones that are on her face. She has plump limps and two prominent fangs, even for a Keeper.WIth a rather curvaceous body, she has no noticeable scars other than the ones that are faded from her time working for the empire. In her youth, she wore her imperial uniform and other clothes but these days, she tends to stick towards loose-fitting and freeing clothing when she isn't wearing a cloak to cover herself. She is almost always barefoot since she isn't fond of the feeling of shoes.


"They wanted to call me a monster... So I became one."

Some would say Doe's personality is akin to a tiger... Beautiful from afar, but dangerous and equally ill-tempered up close.Never one to mince words, Doe has always had a habit of speaking her mind... For better or worse. having never cared for social etiquette, one could describe her tongue as having little to no filter. Around her, one would ever have to wonder about what she thought about them as it showed in how she treated them. Around those she enjoyed, she could be described as mischievous if not a bit mean-spirited at times while those she was less fond of tending to be on the receiving end of glares and snide remarks. In some ways, she could even be described as spiteful towards them as she certainly knew how to hold a grudge.Combine her lack of filter with a fiery temper and it seemed like even in her youth, she has always managed to find herself in some sort of trouble. Whether it was disrespecting elders or getting into fights with others for reasons ranging between her coming to the defense of someone else or having decided to pick a fight that day or losing control over her temper. Having immigrated from Dalmasca to Doma, the shift in social standards had often put her at odds with others and left her a bit isolated from many others... However, despite it, she refused to change herself just because someone else took offense to it.Though her overall personality and style of dress were considered inappropriate for Doma, she was glad to be able to spend much of her time out in the forests of Yanxia, only really having to go into the city when her family needed to take care of business or work. At times she questioned it, but for the most part, otherwise went along with it.That is until the Empire invaded Doma and for the first time, she tasted the bitterness of betrayal. The same refugees she had fought to protect had sold her out to the Garleans in exchange for their own safety. Daggers in hand, her face stained in blood and clothes stained in Garlean blood... They decried her a monster and cursed her family for bringing this misfortune.And so, one she became.Her training and a seemingly natural ability to kill were soon put to use by the Empire. Her eyes never wavered or turned away from bloodshed or death and her cute, innocent looks made for a particularly unassuming spy. Doe seemed to revel in the bloodshed and chaos. How she would gleefully laugh and mock someone before dealing the fatal blow or perhaps even maiming someone just to make them struggle a bit longer.However, she was dangerous as much as she was an asset. Her rebellious and unfiltered attitude never left and in fact, seemed to strengthen. It wasn't uncommon for her to be mouthy with authorities, oftentimes getting away with it due to the fact that she would never lie about what she was saying, or perhaps it was because some knew she had the skills to back up her rebelliousness.Try as they might to "break" her, reminding her that she was naught more than a savage, it only had the opposite effect. It gave her reason to be spiteful towards them, to do better and rub it in their faces how a filthy savage managed to do their jobs better than them. Just like with Domans and Ala Mhigans, oh how she loved the look on their faces when she closed in on them, their quivering voices as they reached for their gunblades but struggled to find a proper grip. When she wasn't being physically intimidating, she had an uncanny ability to get inside someone's head and know what irritates or hurts them most.Fortunately, they were not always subjected to her bloodlust and sadism. Out of boredom, it wasn't uncommon for her to make them the subject of cruel and mischievous pranks if she wasn't getting into fist and weapon brawls.Underneath the brass nature, gloating and arrogances, Doe is fairly thoughtful. Even in her youth, she often questioned why her family had to defend or were beholden to protect others who would simply turn on them. She even openly pondered or said she was not interested in serving Garlemald as an empire and that she was solely interested in herself. That when the day comes Garlemald falls to a stronger force she's simply switching sides. After all, there is no glory in being beholden to a country or an emperor that would crumble and eventually fade away to dust. Often pointing out the hypocrisy in declaring others as "savages" for their beliefs but pledging loyalty and fealty to someone who was merely a man.Though considerably offensive, those questions and thoughts were not born out of a desire to simply irritate and annoy. Or to be cocky and arrogant... but to genuinely question and wonder. Despite never being one to hold her tongue, it was rare for anyone to get a glimpse into her actual mind. After all, vulnerability was a weakness and a tiger without fangs and claws is as good as dead.That is until someone saw past the masks she wore and the distance she kept between herself and others... Perhaps even calling her out on something she'd rather ignore and reminding her what it meant to live.

"Bloodied as my hands were...You still decided to hold them."


Doe was born to Fallow Illu and Silas Si'Lan in Dalmasca.Her family was nomadic and full of wanderlust at heart, allowing the moon and their hearts to guide them to where they'd be next before leading them back home once more. Despite the sense of wanderlust, the family also had a strong sense of loyalty, occasionally being called upon by the royal family to maintain order and help deal with threats under the Menphina's watch.However, the life she had with her family splintered all too soon with the invasion of the Garlean Empire. Though she was only two when the Empire targetted the isolated kingdom, she knew of her family's ties and attempts at helping the royal family. However, despite that, there was only so much that could be done against the might of the Empire... which forced her family to migrate and with that, being blamed in part or whole for failing to protect the kingdom causing her to question what for and what the reason behind this loyalty and desire to protect others that were not themselves was.Being the sufficient travelers they were, she and her family traveled from the savannas and plains of Dalmasca to those of Nagxia and eventually the kingdom of Doma and Yanxia within the year. Once settled in Doma, her family began to resume some of their previous work in the shadows. Deciding to live in and out of the kingdom and trying to maintain some semblance of their old life. Doe's training had consistently resumed and she was allowed to go between being in Doma or being out in the surrounding wilderness. After all, she was going to have to learn the lay of the land to use it to her advantage and the disadvantage of anyone who may have sought to do them or the people of Doma harm. It was their job... Their duty as daughters of Menphina but... Why?However, the relatively peaceful if not a bit isolated life that she lived with her family in Doma was disrupted by the invasion of the Empire. In the chaos, she had been separated from her family. Cut off from any proper guidance she did what she was taught to do... and that was to fight. After all, no one would have suspected a young girl such as herself to have surprisingly keen dagger skills that could easily and precisely target the gap between their helmets and uniforms. The intense training that many in her family went through had shown brightly that day, and it didn't go unnoticed by Doman or Imperial alike. It was like something just clicked. Though it was her first time on the battlefield or even having to truly combat people, she showed no hesitation or restraint. If she was doomed to die this day... she would do so blade in hand while making sure to drag as many of them as she could into the afterlife alongside her. The way she moved and darted between the shadows and alley, one could think it was some manner of yokai or monster.Coming across a group of refugees, she offered to help guide them to safety as best she could. After all, fighting wasn't their only duty... It was to make sure that those who couldn't defend themselves were safe.Though she had tried her best to lead them out of the city while avoiding the imperials, eventually the group had been cornered and had a choice to make... Hand over their assassin and not be executed or die. It was at that moment that she had gotten the answer to the question that lingered in the back of her mind since she and her family left Dalmasca. For what reason did they have to be loyal to and protect people who didn't protect them in return? Why was this their sworn duty?There was nonePractically shattered by how easily they made their choice, she soon felt her emotions turn from shock to anger. The voices of them decrying her as a shapeshifting yokai, cursing her family name and saying they brought this disaster upon their once peaceful kingdom... Why was she to blame? Why was her family? What did they ever do wrong when all they tried to do... all they did was try and try to protect those who couldn't themselves? Only to be thrown under the bus and blamed yet again.Oh well... if they wanted a monster then, so be it. She would show them, fueled by anger and betrayal, she would show them just how much of a damnable monster she was... by turning her blades on them. She went with the enemy, walked into the underworld with the devil.Now conscripted, she seemed to thrive. Naturally, they put her to use roaming out into countrysides... Playing the role of an innocent and lost girl to report on growing rebel factions. She played the role of a shapeshifter, earning their trust before having their lives snuffed out. Being sent out to dispose of enemies of the Empire. Few would suspect that a young girl, perhaps no older than ten summers could so easily pull a blade across someone's neck, not flinching away from the blood or even the life fading from their eyes and that was assuming they were able to catch a glimpse of her from the shadows. After all, it was something she already knew how to do and in some way, came naturally.Her infamy preceded her inside and outside the Empire either for her skills or her fiery personality. People came to both fear and respect her presence as she grew into her teen and adult years. She was never one to turn down killing someone, even if another Garlean. After all, a body was a body, and regardless of what they called themselves, they all bled and trembled the same way.However, there was only so far anger, spite, and sadism could carry someone through life. What do you do when someone sees right through it?This was the crossroads Doe found herself in failing to assassinate an Ala Mhigan Miqo'te named Buck. It was only by pure chance and dumb luck that he lived... Perhaps she was drawn to him as a result of the lingering frustration that drew her to him to try again and set right what she failed first. At first, she would only secretly listen to him play music watching and waiting for an opening. Yet despite what she told herself... she found his songs quite soothing for reasons she couldn't explain or express. She always tried to tell herself it was nothing and yet... night after night she was drawn back... the idea of setting right what went wrong drifting further to the back of her mind.And then he told her to stop hiding in the shadows already.At that moment, it felt like her body froze. She began wondering whether she had let her guard down that much? That she had been as careless to let herself be seen?Yet even still... she found herself stepping out from the veil of shadows. Perhaps to just keep up appearances... after all, she couldn't very well run away. Yet it would seem that such a small, tensed interaction would have blossomed into an unlikely romance.Over time, she found herself being kinder to him... showing a gentle and vulnerable side of herself that she could show no one else, especially not within the legion. What began as tense words and silence eventually became gestures of affection. It was as if she was no longer being a soldier but a young girl. A genuinely playful and kind side of herself that hadn't a chance to grow so freely and for the first time behaving and experiencing emotions that had long been buried underneath the wall of rebellious arrogance and sadism.Though their secret meetings had continued without much issue, eventually one had arrived from rather impassioned visits. Eventually, Doe had found herself waking much later than normal and feeling rather sick as well and the sluggishness had persisted throughout the day even. Fortunately, she was not one to show weakness, especially not around the Empire. She played it off, letting no one suspect anything more than just her usual irritation and hatred of waking up.It didn't take much longer before she began to realize why she was feeling this way. The odd sickness and sluggishness... She was pregnant. Yet again, she found herself at another crossroads... but rather than a mixture of anger and curiosity, for the first time, she could say she had felt scared. Naturally, her mind raced with questions though she kept a straight face to any of her peers, and that night she went to him, visibly panicked over what to do... She very well couldn't give birth to a child within the Empire out of fear of what they may have done.She was able to keep the remaining months of the pregnancy a secret... Internally grateful that they sent her out on an extended espionage mission to the borders of the shroud. Away from prying eyes, she was able to give birth to her child.At yet another crossroads... she found herself unsure of what to do. She very well couldn't take her child back to the Empire. In fact, she wanted the opposite... For her child to live freely and without such a burden placed upon them. Much as her heart ached to do so, she knew the best thing would be if they knew little of her or the circumstances of their birth. In a rare act of selflessness she told her lover to take their child and simply forget about her. Her hands and life were far too tainted to be able to care for a being so innocent.Despite her best attempts at telling her lover to take their child and forget about her, he adamantly refused. For the first time in her life, she had been shown genuine loyalty by someone who wasn't part of her family. He asked her, why doesn't leave the Empire instead. He reminded her of what she had mentioned to him during their talks, that she was someone who cared for their own self-interests and had little loyalty to a nation. So then... Why not? Why not abandon them and leave that part of her life behind?Then she realized, she was afraid to. Except not for herself... She could very well handle whatever punishment was given to her but for them. Her newfound family and sense of purpose. It was only through his determination and loyalty that she uttered the words that she would. Cementing in her mind and heart that she was going to leave this life of hers behind. But not yet... Not in such a way that would endanger them.She resumed her work to keep the pregnancy a secret from her superiors. Her visits to her lover and child became less frequent and irregular, making sure that she was never anywhere that would raise cause for concern or suspicion. Rather than proving herself, she formulated a plan for her new goal in mind...To leave her life in the empire behind.No more was she going to be a hired killer. No more would she stain her hands red with blood unless she needed to in order to protect herself or her family. For five years, she plotted and waited... Making sure there were no loose ends or anything that would hint towards the reason for her defection.Then one day there was a ceruleum explosion. It destroyed a significant portion of the castrum, leaving some dead or injured... Among the dead, was Doe Sas Illu even if remains were found other than the tattered pieces of her uniform. Some speculated any remains were tainted and burned away by the ceruleum while others were not so convinced, especially given her questionable loyalty.Though the Empire had put out a bounty that she was wanted dead or alive due to the conflict and rumors, she was otherwise free. Free to live where she desired and without being beholden to a nation or rules. A reignited passion and wanderlust long since buried. So long as she had them, it didn't matter where they went.That isn't to say it was entirely without hardship as occasionally, as she would steal and pickpocket for some extra gil here and there in cities like Ul'Dah. However, on their travels, she often hunted to provide for them, and in a way... It reminded her of a life she had long forgotten she had of merely following their hearts and Menphina wherever they desired to go. For the first time in quite a while, she had known some semblance of peace and happiness and she was determined to not allow anything to come between that. A fierce and motherly protector she became, not hesitating to cut down anyone or anything that became a threat to her family... her tribe.Unfortunately, some threats were too are far beyond being able to be cut down by her blades. When the calamity happened and Dalamund fell from the sky, in the chaos she found herself injured and forced to make a difficult decision. To tell her child to leave and run... Run as far as she could until she was safe. It didn't help that Buck was injured as well... but, she was still able to keep going.That was the last night she was able to had seen the face of her child. However, despite the years passing and having fled to the Azim Steppe in the last year or two, there isn't a day that goes by where she wishes to reunite her family again.